/ photography / updated 17.03.2024 /

I am convinced that my photos will not only increase the profitability of your hotel and apartment, but will also increase the price of your property by 1 to 2%  potential sale. This offer is aimed at premium real estates. Also I service exclusive houses and modern apartments. We buy and rent with our eyes!

 Real Estate Photography 

 Luxury Photography for Hotels and Apartments 

Artistic photography

Luxury Apartments and Hotels

Customized luxury

Define a group of clients and decide which type of service will best suit your needs. Artistic Photography is not only unique photos, but above all painted light-shadow images that are created using a graphic tablet and manual work with a digital pen to get this magical image. Premium photography is high-quality photos together with my original edition, but without the element of magic, they are much cheaper. Regardless of which service you choose, I guarantee a sense of taste and a positive reception of photos in each of the two versions.

€600 up to 6 photos in the package

Artistic photography

Hotels | Apartments

  • highest level of photography quality
  • HDR photos folded from 9 frames
  • freehand painting of light-shadows
  • daytime photos and blue hour
  • author's photo edition

Each subsequent photo cost €100.

€400 up to 8 photos in the package

Premium Photography

Houses | Flats

  • high level of photography quality
  • HDR photos folded from 5 frames
  • author's photo edition
  • day time photos

Each subsequent photo cost €50.

You cannot afford a cheap photographer,
i.e. the art of earning more.

July 18, 2022 at 10:56 pm

If you are selling or renting real estate for millions euro - invest in an expensive photographer who will allow you to earn even more, bringing out the beauty of your property in all its glory. Let me give you an example. If you are buying a high-end suit or suit, do you wear cheap shoes? Exactly. If you wish, you would spoil the end result you have worked hard for. It is the same with real estate.

When browsing real estate advertisements worth several million euros, I can not be surprised if the photos were taken by an ordinary photographer (let alone a mobile phone!). I try to imagine the frustration in the buyer seeing this lack of consistency in the message. Just as a sneaker suit fits in certain fashion conventions by contrast or the popular sport-glamor trend, a modern apartment or an exclusive house with poor photos even scares off the customer with its lack of authenticity, let alone a good hotel or a premium apartment (!).

Guess what the customer is thinking :-)

- "Hey, something's wrong here! Two million euros and saving on pictures?"

The next natural question that appears in the buyer's mind is:

- "[...] interesting on what else they saved - on materials? Or maybe my safety?"

Until the catharsis itself:

- "I don't trust you, I'm closing the ad!"

You have just lost a client for a few million euros or simply a client ready to pay for tomorrow's rental of your premium apartment because he chose another one with better photos. Fortunately or unfortunately, but we humans are a bit like children and choose hotels / apartments first with our eyes, and therefore knowing the rules of the game - let's be the best in it, preferably ahead of the competition. It is difficult to say how many owners lose money in this way, but judging by the advertisements posted - there are a lot of them.

My advice is to ensure the consistency and authenticity of the message, because these are the values we expect from others. If you've spent a fortune on a real estate investment, don't let it take your money on the home straight. Let me show you the magic!

Example 1.

10 thousand euros at the price of 1 million is only 1%. Go ahead, you can increase your selling price by 1%, i.e. EUR 2,000 by investing only 0.3%, i.e. EUR 600 in a photographer, then you are ahead of EUR 1,400 plus you will find your client 3x faster (this is what the research shows). What if you have an apartment or house for two or three millions or more? Your profit grows!

Example 2.

Let's analyze the rental scenario, where you wish, for example, EUR 200 per day of rental. Of course, income is not income, but think after how many days a one-time investment of EUR 600 in the world-class artistic photography will pay off. After three? Six? Even let it be a week or two - the photos will work for you for the next few years.

Sometimes, browsing through all the ads with expensive real estate or quite expensive rentals, but with a poor photo presentation, I have the overwhelming impression that if real estate could talk, they would shout - "don't do this to us!".


People Photography

Studio and custom

€400 up to 8 photos in the package

Studio Photography

Sensual session for Women

  • highest level of photography quality
  • freehand painting of light-shadows
  • professional make-up included
  • author's photo edition
  • up to four hours

Each subsequent photo cost €50.

€200 up to 10 photos in the package

Custom Photography

Custom session for everyone

  • high level of photography quality
  • author's photo edition
  • up to two hours

Each subsequent photo cost €20.