/ about me / updated 17.03.2024 /

HI! I'm Dariusz Socha
how can I help you?

Firist of all, call me Dario. I'm a fan of making life simple!

At the beginning of 2024, I decided to realize my dream and live on vacation, so that's why I am in the process of moving from Poland to Malta right now, to sunny paradise where it is warm all year round so I can ride all over the island in shorts on a scooter which is just awesome! Work? Remotely. Occasionally flying out to meet client and to the office, while also running the polish company Limited. Additionally, I am developing two local businesses with my fiancée. The first is a photography business Socha Media, and the second is a office with my dear Fiancée.

It's amazing how quickly time flies. My adventure with computers and IT began in 1991, when I was 6 years old. I thought then that if I pressed enter, I would break something in the computer ;-)

32 years in Information Technology

8 years in Cyber Security

My first computers

It was 1991 and Commodore 64! First with games on cassettes and manual positioning of the head with a screwdriver, only later with a 5.25" floppy disk drive. The first PC was pure madness back then! 386 DX 40 and two 3.5" floppy disk drives! Am I that old?!

My first games

On the Commodore 64 these were River Raid and Test Drive (the selection wasn't very large). It was only since my PC days that I fell in love with SimCity and Dune2. Later I became a fan of the entire C&C and Flight Simulator series.

My first network

The first LAN on BNC 10 and a hub from Compex. We hung the cable on a metal rope between the blocks. Than network updates to UTP 100 and switches. 

My first internet

These were difficult times. Fighting with parents over the possibility of connecting a modem to the network. Zoltrix 14400 was not a speed demon, and the bills were high. Permanent link? Fiber optic? Forget it. Such solutions did not exist in Poland in 1996. It was only in 1999 that the first permanent Internet connection appeared from the first Polish Internet provider TPSA, and it was SDI 115kbps.

My first www page

Somehow, at the beginning of high school, I bought my first IT book, it was HTML 4.0 Bible. In 2002, my first CSS-based and W3C-compliant website appeared (but it was a joy then!).

My first server

Before we saved up for the first hardware router, we set up a router on 386 PC with Red Hat Linux 6.0. Later, when the world of Linux was getting closer and closer, I launched the first Apache server and shared my first website. Than I switched to "Republika" from "Onet" (by the way, this is how I met my first love - I saw a girl in the website directory, her name was Agata, I thought I would go to her website to make fun of her weak html/css code - I sent her an e-mail and that's how started). Crazy times :-)

Cyber Security Analyst

I spent 7 years at IBM in QRadar as a Senior IT Security Specialist and the best Cyber Security SIEM Analyst trainer as well.

SOC | SIEM Architect

Leadership in the project of developing a new Security Operation Center from scratch for National Research Institute (government), B2B Network and Cloudware as well.

Hardware and OC

Proudly representend Poland on HWBOT. I still remember overclocking my first quad-core CPU, R.I.P. pl.comp.pecet.


At the end of the 90s, I started creating first LANs. First at home on BNC and poor hubs, then with neighbors using UTP 100 on switches.

Web Development and UX

Before Cyber Security I spent over 10 years being freelance web developer, enterprise frontend developer and UX designer as well.

Only if you understand how extremely important organizational culture is in a company.

B2B Cooperation

it's time for LTD
Cyber Security Consulting

32 years in IT? I guess it's time to start sharing knowledge and helping others to easily break into the IT field because it helps fulfill dreams.

X-Force Team

REFERENCES | Screenshots are from my Linkedin profile